Shophouse lets you easily list your property for rent, complete paperwork, make payments safely & more - in one place.Join the Waitlist$0 to list, pay a one-time fee that starts at $20 and capped at 10% of first month's rent when you transact. Sign up early and enjoy an exclusive fee waiver!
All-in-one Listing Platform
How It Works
Generate your listings in a flash
Fill in your address and property details. Let our AI engine handle the content marketing and description for you!
Stage your home for free
Upload photos and use AI to stage your home in any style that you want, without the hassle and costs of conventional home staging!
Complete your paperwork online
Create, customize, complete and track legal documents needed for tenancy, all from the comfort of your device.
Verified listings & screened tenants
We verify listings before they go live and help landlords screen potential tenants for legal compliance. This reduces potential rental scams and makes compliance easy!
Your advantages
AI Generated Listings
Input just a few details to generate the ultimate listing for your property - either whole property or individual bedroom.
Auto Home Staging
Enable tenants to reimagine your property or room for rent in their dream interior styles.
Trust & Safety
We handle screening of tenants and listings to fight against scams and comply to existing regulations.
Hassle-Free Paperwork
Automatically create LOI and tenancy agreements based on your requirements. Send digitally and sign online.
Easy Rental Payments
Receive payments digitally, securely, and on-time with due date reminders and payment history records.
Incredibly low fees
$0 to list. Pay a one-time fee when you find a tenant. Our fee starts at $20 and are capped at 10% of first month's rent. Early homeowners enjoy 100% fee waiver!
We are on a mission to transform real estate transactions with transparency, tech-enabled trust, and generative AI to imagine and actualize dream homes.